
Premium (World), Dortmund

Zum Tod von Scott Mckenzie

Wie heute bekanntgegeben wurde, starb am Sonntag Scott Mckenzie in LA. Ich trauer um ihn. Mit nichts wurde er so sehr in Verbindung gebracht, wie mit San Francisco. Ein One Hit Wonder. Der Beste der Welt und mein absoluter Lieblingssong.,vid:cBwlZHVGvBI

If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there

For those who come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people with flowers in their hair

All across the nation such a strange vibration
People in motion
There's a whole generation with a new explanation
People in motion people in motion

For those who come to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there

If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there

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