Ruben Alvarez

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Commentaire 11

  • Frederik De Meyer 14/07/2012 15:51


    I really like your pics of collieries in Asturias. Thanks for showing these images!

  • Paul Bickel (knobli) 24/06/2008 20:23

    Hola Ruben.
    Te escribe mi hija, por que yo no se escribir bien el español,mi nombre es Luisa vivo en Porto Colom.
    mi padre es muy aficionado a las fotografias y me dice que tienes unas fotografias muy bonitas, y muchas grasias por el comentario de las fotos de mi padre.
    Adios Paul.
  • Christian Brünig 14/06/2008 15:44

    thanks again for the great trip to Atsuria in April 2008. and one more comment on your Phto's: they are well composed and have an unique view of a really industrial landscape with embbeded industrial plants!
  • SPERRZONE 13/04/2008 21:10

    Hi Ruben,

    thanks again for the excellent organization of last week. I'm really impressed of your industrial heritage and what's still left and even in service there in Asturias. Now I will go through your picx, even if I know some of them already from your excellent albums you brought last weekend.

  • Kerstin Scho 25/11/2007 4:04

    hello ruben,
    you got nice and interesting picutures and general views of spain! it's nice to see you here and i hope to see some photos of this kind of spain here.
    greetings, kerstin
  • Thomas Reitzel 27/09/2007 22:47

    Olá Ruben

    though I came across your photgraphs earlier, quite astonishingly I did not leave a welcome here...sorry!

    Nonetheless, I send a late welcome and hope for more of your stunning photography, mostly of images I never saw nor heard of before...
    We share the love for old and battered machinery, typical structures of a time long gone by, and of course, the steam engine in any appearance, and, first of all, her warm heart!
    Full Steam Ahead!
    Full Steam Ahead!
    Thomas Reitzel

    All best!
  • Pieter De Raedt 14/03/2007 10:40

    Great pictures of a region I'd like to visit rather soon than late. Keep up the good work !
  • Harald Finster 08/03/2007 20:49

    Hi Alvares,
    thanks a lot for your beautiful industrial photographs from Spain. I have to admit, that I always avoided Spain because of it's tourist industry and the hot climate. Your images changed my mind.
    Greetings Harald
  • Alan Murray-Rust 08/03/2007 14:49

    De un estranjero a otro - bienvenido en fotocommunity. Me gusta mucho de ver sus fotos de una region que me queda completamente desconocida. En particular me gusta que depintan los lugares en su ambiente, y que la tecnica fotografica es de alta calidad.
    Que vemos mucho mas de usted!
    Alan (de Inglaterra)

    Desde aqui sin embargo escribo commentarios en ingles para que los compreden otros visitantes en el sitio.
  • Christian Brünig 07/03/2007 23:41

    Welcome! i like the photographs of the industrial landscape of espagna. and look here (sorry text only in geramn language). please show more photographs!
  • 07/03/2007 23:13

    Hola Ruben,

    thanks for your beautiful pictures. Nice to see someone from Spain posting images of sites that most of us haven't even heard about. Please keep it up.

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