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Mots clés
Section | People |
Dossier | Black&White |
Vu de | 639 479 |
Publiée | |
Langue |
![]() |
Licence |
APN | X-Pro1 |
Objectif | XF23mmF1.4 R |
Ouverture | 2 |
Temps de pose | 1/125 |
Focale | 23.0 mm |
ISO | 500 |
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Cecile 29/05/2018 17:31
Ein großartiges Portrait - und diese Augen .......Liebe Grüße Elfi Cecile
D o m e n i c o 20/11/2017 21:11
a great one !!tanu676 29/07/2017 19:54
toller Blickbravo
nice greetings
Davina02 26/06/2017 17:22
Great portrait!Best regards Angela
Henry Eicken 12/06/2017 16:46
A wonderful B&W - Great++++!He has got the look.
Regards Henry
Andreas Boeckh 03/06/2017 21:13
somehow I lost track of your pictures. They just don't show up any more.I missed a lot.
photo-outdoor 28/05/2017 19:30
a fascinating portrait with magic eyes!greetings gerald
_visual_notes_ 07/03/2017 1:40
Very nice wide-angle portrait.Miche62 06/02/2017 22:02
Deine schwarz weiß Fotos sind mittenaus dem Leben.Sehr schön.
Andrea W. photography 16/01/2017 18:02
A very strong portrait with perfect shades of gray. However, I would have thought about placing the child a bit more to the side... On the other side I am not quite sure if the captivating gaze would be affected ;-)koldo Soto Guridi 09/01/2017 17:20
And red blood. Como siempre fantástico retrato Maestro. Un fuerte abbraccio.nur ein moment 23/11/2016 22:23
Wonderful sw-work, and a very sympathetic sight!Friendship . nur ein moment
PEM56 21/11/2016 14:21
Eine fantastische Portraitarbeit!!! Faszinierend der Blick aus diesen wunderschönen, grossen Augen! liebe Grüsse, PeterHoGraphy 21/11/2016 11:30
Excellent and intense portrait which does not deface the boy. I love the only slight, but yet clearly intensifying, effect the 35mm focal length adds to the picture and of course the lenses bokeh.SIMOND Gilbert 19/11/2016 18:31
Quel regard ! Portrait très expressif.Bonne soirée.