DRAGA PUC - photos & images - photographe de Ljubljana, Slovénie | fotocommunity Profil de DRAGA PUC - Photographe DRAGA PUC de Ljubljana, Slovénie [fc-user:827304] - Je suis comme je suis je suis faite comme ca si j'ai envie de rire
Je suis comme je suis
je suis faite comme ca
si j'ai envie de rire je ris aux eclats
(Jacques Prevert)
I still am like I am
and I enjoy the Fc a lot
Silvana W.
Many thanks for your comments,Draga ¡¡.Excuse my delay to answer.I,ll come once every month ,approximately .
I hope,you are well**
a hug ¡ :-)
All my best wishes for a wonderful Christmas Season and a healthy and happy
New Year ..... and thank you for your friendship and inspiration !!!
Festive Greetings, miss you !!!!
Adele D. Oliver 11/12/2017 3:11
dear Draga,are you back ???? I would be so happy !!! Found your appreciation just
now - thank you so much !!!
wish you all the best and a hug,
Adele D. Oliver 22/12/2015 21:35
dear Draga,all my sincere wishes for a peaceful and joyous festive season !!!
Season's Greetings To All
Adele D. OliverSeason's Greetings,
p.s. I miss you !!!
Silvana W. 31/01/2015 22:39
- . -
Silvana W.Many thanks for your comments,Draga ¡¡.Excuse my delay to answer.I,ll come once every month ,approximately .
I hope,you are well**
a hug ¡ :-)
Silvana W. 05/01/2015 23:13
Silvana W.:-)
Inez Correia Marques 26/12/2014 12:52
Dear Draga my dear dear friend ! I Hope you have a wonderful 2015 , with peace and in the company of your loved oneskiss
Adele D. Oliver 22/12/2014 5:04
All my best wishes for a wonderful Christmas Season and a healthy and happyNew Year ..... and thank you for your friendship and inspiration !!!
Festive Greetings, miss you !!!!
Happy Christmas
Adele D. OliverMihajlo Vasiljevic 23/11/2014 21:59
Veoma impresivan portfolio i zanimljiv pristup fotografiji. Bravo!!!Pozdrav iz Bg.
David Ballester 16/08/2014 1:35
Thank you so much for your comments! ;)Sombrilla y mar
David BallesterFlamencos
David BallesterNubes en el cielo
David BallesterTery22 07/08/2014 19:55
grazieeeee per tutti i commenti, buona serata, TeryAnne-Sof 21/05/2014 10:54
Quelles belles series! Wouah!! Beaucoup d'emotion pour ma part a la lecture de ces images...merci!Ruslan Karpov 24/12/2013 7:06
Hi Draga,My best wishes for Christmas and a very happy New Year to you and your family!
Adele D. Oliver 22/12/2013 21:51
dear Draga,I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas Season and for the New Year good health, peace and happiness !!!
Christmas Comes Just Once A Year
Adele D. Oliverhugs, Adele
Canan Oner 22/12/2013 15:30
Have a lovely Christmas and a New Year dear DragaHugs,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Canan OnerTatiana Gutskova 22/12/2013 11:25
Draga, best wishes for a Happy New Year!Tatiana
manuel patricio 22/08/2013 20:57
thank you