Mariëlle Scheper

Free Account, Den Haag

A propos de moi


I'm Mariëlle, a 27-year old girl from The Hague and since a year now I have been taking photos with my new toy :) It's a Nikon D40, with 27-55 and a 55-200 mm lenses.

I like knowing your opinions, as long as their positive! :). No, just kidding, i'd like to know where I can improve as well, but don't be too hard on me.... I'm still discovering everything that's possible with my camera.

I especially like taking pictures of animals; wildlife, but also much smaller creatures, such as beautiful butterflies. Portraits I like as well, but normally people always tend to pose... I guess that's another reason why I like animals that much, because they don't try to look their best or care if they have a bad hairday or not :)

Commentaire 7

  • Robino 27/05/2009 20:18

    hi Marielle,
    welkom en groetjes uit Den Haag:-)
  • Nancy Blach 20/05/2009 0:37

    Thanks Marielle
  • Ibonefig 20/03/2009 13:00

    Thank you so much for you comment!:) sorryI am badly able to write comment because I am still pupil :)but for you very much attractive pictures!:)
    show more plizz! :))
  • Ray Closson 05/03/2009 12:00

    Thanks for the nice comment on my Kitty Karaoke photo Marielle.

  • j.a.j.jansen m. 23/02/2009 14:07

    Hallo Mariëlle,
    Dat klopt ook want ik was voor het laatst in 1990 in Kenia en toen was alles analoog en mijn negatieven moet ik nog digitaliseren.
  • Hilda Vanyi 23/02/2009 13:13

    Hi Mariëlle !
    Thank you for your kind comment to my photo
    Hilda Vanyi
    . :)
    Kind regards, Ildiko
  • BananenFruchtTee 22/02/2009 13:58

    auweia...,werds niemand verraten...hihi
    lg und einen schönen rest sonntag!
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