Bulent Aktas

Free Account, Remscheid

A propos de moi

Hello to everybody,

My equipments are not that professional. Canon EOS D60, Canon EOS 350D and CASIO Exilim Compact Camera. 18-55 mm, 55-200 mm and 28-135 mm Canon Objectives.

I just want to thank to Ms. Anke Doerschlen. I'm here because of her.

Life is for the living, so, let's have fun....
Bulent AKTAS

Commentaire 3

  • Anke Dörschlen 16/05/2007 11:04

    Dear Bulent, you missed my exhibition! Shame on you - it was right in front of your home. But if you want to see some of the pics, you should have a look in the RGA from Tuesday, 15th May....take care, Anke
  • Nicole Kuschke 11/03/2007 17:21

    wünsche dir viel Spaß in der FC und viele schöne Klicks.

    Lieben Gruß


    Unendlich schön
    Unendlich schön
    Nicole Kuschke
  • Fotofan 11/03/2007 16:34

    Herzlich Willkommen in der FC.
    Ich wünsche Dir immer gutes Licht und schöne Motive.
    Mögen Dir die Anmerkungen ob positiv oder negativ immer Anreiz sein Dich zu verbessern.
    Alles Gute

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