Free Account, Raum Erding

A propos de moi

Hi FotoCommunity,

I am a digital artist, photographer and producer.
My digital art works are settled in the dark goth, fantasy, scifi and fetish sector.
As photographer and producer I am focused on fashion shoots for my own online shop (I sell Japanese brands like REALISE) at the moment, but I also do non-commercial shoots for my artwork, or just for fun!

People photography since 2009
Photoshop prof. use since 2006
Digital drawing since 2006
3d animation fusion with photos and drawings since 2013

Main equipment:
Canon EOS 6d
Canon and Sigma lenses
Wacom Cintiq 22HD

Best regards,

Model-Kartei: M.Sandmann
ModelMayhem: Sandmann
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  • Photographe (professionnel)
  • Editeur photo/Designer