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Across the Deep Blue Sea

Across the Deep Blue Sea

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Across the Deep Blue Sea

Nikon D800, Tamron SP 24-70mm f2.8 Di VC USD Nikon, Heliopan-ND-1,8-Filter, Stativ, Langzeitbelichtung, PP in PS 5.1

Deltawerk (Deltawerken, Delta Works, Oosterscheldekering), Nordsee, Zeeland, Niederlande (Zugriff 08.11.13)

"Across the sea
across the deep blue sea [...]
anchorless across the sea
a lifetime every mile
some are listening, there will be
eternity will be for a while
across the deep blue sea
time goes by without a moon
planets seem to die
into a distence a universe
down to my surprise"

(De Phazz - "Anchorless")

Auf vergnüglicher Fototour mit Gittan Beheydt and Léon Leijdekkers:

Vielen Dank fürs Betrachten und Eure Anmerkungen!
Buona visione.

Commentaire 9