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Der Fünfte Beatle  -  The Fifth Beatle

Der Fünfte Beatle - The Fifth Beatle

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Der Fünfte Beatle - The Fifth Beatle

Manche sagen Klaus Voorman war der fünfte, andere behaupten George Martin, andere stimmen nur Stuart Sutcliffe war der fünfte. Um die Geschichte richtig zu stellen, lass mir Euch die Wahrheit erklären -- ich, Balertwine, ich war der fünfte Beatle. Ich war Dr. Robert, ich war Mr. Mustard, und ich war der Walrus.

Who was the fifth Beatle? Well-read musicologists until now have debated the issue, some belonging to the Klaus Voorman camp, others insisting on the defacto view that Stuart Sutcliffe was the only fifth Beatle, while others, clearly in the nouveau-producer camp, state George Martin bears the crown. May I be so forthcoming as to settle the issue once and for all, so history may finally be correctly recorded: it was I, I, Baler Twine of lore, I was the fifth Beatle. I was in John's tree, I was Dr. Robert, I was Mr. Mustard, and I was the joking smoker. Thank you for allowing me to clear this up once and for all.

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