Exotic Beauty (35) : Australian water lily
The past years I made several visits to the conservatories of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium where 10.000 (!) plant and tree species originating from the tropics and the subtropics are growing in the greenhouses over there.
Thanks to the warm and moist climate in the conservatories and the intensive maintenance, it’s really amazing what an immense great variety of exotic flowers from all over the world can be seen there, even in the cold winter season !
Flowers whose natural habitat is situated in the rainforest, the mountain forest, isolated islands, deserts, etc……. Places that most of us will never or seldom visit.
Some of the flowers are very rare, extremely colourful or specially shaped.
Others were introduced in Europe by men and became a cultivated species or an ornamental houseplant.
I selected the –to my personal taste- most beautiful flowers that I saw there and made a series of them.
Dutch name : Australische waterlelie
German name : Australische Seerose
Latin name : Nymphaea gigantea
Country of origin : Australia, New Guinea
Almost every part of the plant is edible but I would not dare to eat such a beauty…….
Bernhard Kuhlmann 04/03/2012 14:40
Einfach perfekt !Was will man mehr.
Gruß bernd
LillySR 23/03/2011 7:06
wow, ich liebe es..Linda Herbert 16/02/2011 5:37
Fabulous!! One of my favorites of the waterlily. Beautifuly done.Charly Roggow 14/02/2011 16:59
die Qualität ist schon beeindruckend, saubere AufnahmeLG Charly
Rike-Tina 12/02/2011 19:44
Wunderschön....!!!!!lg von....Rike
TeresaM 12/02/2011 18:50
Une beauté exotique qui démontre encore un grand talent ;-))Amitiés,
Kaith Kakavouli 12/02/2011 4:37
fantastic flower !!!!!!qRudi 12/02/2011 0:07
Superb great flower.dirk van Appeldorn 11/02/2011 7:30
wonderfully presented... great shotrgds
Inge Stüwe 11/02/2011 5:55
Eine zauberhafte Aufnahme, großes Kompliment!Liebe Grüße
Adele D. Oliver 10/02/2011 23:44
Truly gorgeous this blossom .... excellent sharp capture, wonderful light!!greetings, Adele
Gunther Hasler 10/02/2011 22:36
Eine besonders schöne Seerose und ebenso schön fotografisch präsentiert, Mark!LG Gunther
Rackerli 10/02/2011 21:33
Wonderful! Excellent capture!LG Gisela
CsomorLászló 10/02/2011 20:33
Relégué à l'écran-:))amitiés
Josef Kainz 10/02/2011 20:32
Eine feine Aufnahme gut freigestelltjosef