Manuel Gloger

Premium (Pro), Düsseldorf

Grangemouth Petro at Night

Bei Nacht sind die Flammen des petrochemischen Werks noch meilenweit zu sehen. Mein erster Versuch einer Nachtaufnahme.

Den beste Aussichtspunkt über die Anlage hat man vom Golfplatz aus:

Take the M9 towards Falkirk (Stirling). Leave the motorway at Junction 5, Grangemouth (also sign-posted Football Traffic).
Head right (Grangemouth) at the large roundabout that runs underneath the motorway.
(There is also a sign for the Sports Centre at the roundabout exit.)
About a couple of hundred yards go straight on at a mini roundabout.
Take the next left (sign-posted) and the stadium occupies the right hand side of the road.

Special feature: A wonderful view of the petro-chemical works.

13.11.06 - 17:05

Nikon D70s - Brennweite 60 mm - ISO 640 - Blende 11 - 5 Sekunden - +1,7 LW
Panorama aus 4 Aufnahmen.

Grangemouth Petrochemical Works
Grangemouth Petrochemical Works
Manuel Gloger

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