2 032 8

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Hidden Dreams

Super Cells are starting to cover areas that never experienced wild weather. Here we are encountering Hail the size of a one euro coin , or the sized of a golf ball. Tornados that never touch down by the sides of mountains are getting closer.

In the past we cold see the formations in early stages and know they would touch down in Kansas , Nebraska, or at closest land fall the eastern edge of Colorado.

There is both beauty and fear. This day behind the warnings on the radio and weather central. I went into a large market, and no one was in the store. I kind of liked it.

I realize that I am witnessing the human race responding to the one coming storm like an ostrich sticking its head in a hole. Why not have government wake up and force industry to make immediate changes to slow down the green house effect instead of saying, "drill baby drill". If people don't see the light, then maybe the cartoon ostrich makes a hilarious illustrations in juxtaposition to seeing a tornado tear down homes and pluck people into the sky, and leaving only their ostrich feathers to float back down as a reminder of the inevitable.

Nature can be awesome and we should respect it, whoever the global culture should not feed the fire for more destruction on the count of wealth dictating to politicians who are forced to wear blindfolds for for finical gifts from powerful interest groups.

We ll wonder when we experience a loss, but we are all quick to forget and act as a team to make the changes out of fear of work or retirement package that roots in to the ideas of diversity of funds one way or another.

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Dossier Landscape
Vu de 2 032


APN iPhone 5s
Objectif ---
Ouverture 2.2
Temps de pose 1/1580
Focale 4.1 mm
ISO 32