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Merry Christmas to all !

Merry Christmas to all !

2 179 12

Susana Miguel

Premium (Pro), Zaragoza

Merry Christmas to all !

My handmade Christmas greetings used here to wish you, my family (Sister Ana!!!), my dear buddies and friends and to all of the fotocommunity a happy holiday!

Wishing you all the best and looking forward to see much more interesting work, to learn and to wonder with your art and thanking you all for sharing so generously.
All the best for 2013,

As you were wondering, for these cards I need 4 things:
* Lovely coloured blank cards,
* Parchment paper,
* A pencil and a gold or silver marking pen
* A little inspiration,
* A steady hand
* Patience to let the ink dry before touching ...(this smears...)

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