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This is Minouche, an experienced – and quite well mannered – train traveler.

She lives in Basel, and she is traveling First Class on this SBB (Swiss Federal Railways)
train from Zürich to Chur with her human companion on a lovely autumn afternoon in 2010.

The gently inquisitive and intelligent look on her face held my attention as I sat across
the aisle with my cameras, and I asked her companion if I could join them and take
some photos of this appealing little furry voyager.

I learned from her human that Minouche is indeed a quite experienced rail traveler,
and it certainly showed in her calm demeanor. Indeed, for the hour and fifteen minute
trip, she was as calm and composed as she appears in this photo.

In Chur, she will transfer to the Rhätische Bahn to continue her journey into the Oberengadin.

A most agreeable little travel acquaintance…

Bonjour, Minouche!

There's more to the story. If you'd like to read it and see another photo of this adorable little gal, please follow the link to my blog http://thunderflakes.blogspot.com/2011/06/minouche.html

Photo, Narrative, Design ©2010/2011

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