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Profile: criminal record # 7 9 6 3 2 4 8

Profile: criminal record # 7 9 6 3 2 4 8

1 463 7

Profile: criminal record # 7 9 6 3 2 4 8

rofl - well this little great tit sat there for a while, just asking to be photographed - and of course i obliged, BUT, he looks like he is posing for some criminal record, so this is his number, if i drank carling this would "probably" be the number of bird pics i have attempted rofl.
So, a new challange begins, i nailed my bird pics finally , just the elusive bluetit to get - they are so quick and often hide behind this post so i get a " peek-a-boo" shot :-( I do however have an idea, we will see if it works - prehaps tomorrow if it doesnt rain again all day, but at least the shopping, cleaning and washing are sorted :-))))
Love and light

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