Manuel Gloger

Premium (Pro), Düsseldorf

Sgurr nan Gillean (Cuillins, Skye)

Ein kurzer Schwenk vom Marsco nach rechts und man erblickt den 3.162 Fuß (964 Meter) hohen Sgurr nan Gillean, einen der elf Munros der Cuillins.
Sein Name bedeutet: Rocky peak of the young men.

When viewed from Sligachan, Sgurr nan Gillean appears as a fine tapering pyramid, this does not even hint at the true rugged nature of the mountains topography.

Glamaig (Sgurr Mhairi) by Sligachan
Glamaig (Sgurr Mhairi) by Sligachan
Manuel Gloger

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