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Von "peaceful" protesters completely burned out cinema at Siam Square, Bangkok.

Von "peaceful" protesters completely burned out cinema at Siam Square, Bangkok.

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Von "peaceful" protesters completely burned out cinema at Siam Square, Bangkok.


Wegen wut und enttäuschung weil they didn't succeed to oust the government some of the hardcore protesters von die Rothemde sie wurden so schrecklich böse und kreuznarret that they burned down several buildings near to their strongly befestigt camp in central Bangkok.
Including this cinema center at Siam Square.
Auch weil traffic in Bangkok was blocked since weeks the thai Army and police put an ultimatum.
Das camp then es wurde fluchtartig verlassen..

Auch banks at Siam Center sie waren das ziel von wütend Reds.
Auch banks at Siam Center sie waren das ziel von wütend Reds.
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Das verlassen camp von die Rothemde auf Rama 4 Road in Central Bangkok.
Das verlassen camp von die Rothemde auf Rama 4 Road in Central Bangkok.
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Even in this rough time the "City Of Angels" hasn't lost all its charm................
Even in this rough time the "City Of Angels" hasn't lost all its charm................
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Dossier Thailand
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