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Where Lives Were Saved

Where Lives Were Saved

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Carina Bucu

Free Account, Tokyo

Where Lives Were Saved

Some 4,000 people sought refuge in Malinta Tunnel, which was dug through a hill of solid rock. It took 10 years to complete this tunnel from 1922 to 1932. Initally used as a storage facility and an underground hospital, this tunnel played a greater role in Philippine history during World War II, when the tunnel served as the USAFFE Headquarters of Gen. Douglas MacArthur and a refuge for soldiers, medical personnel and army wives while Corregidor Island was under attack. Malinta Tunnel was where lives, thousands of lives, were saved.

This photo would have been a lot better if I had a tripod. Unfortunately, i had to snap this picture hurriedly, while keeping my hand as still as i could with a huge crowd behind me, during the day tour on Corregidor Island.. But since Malinta Tunnel is one of the most important sites on Corregidor, I decided to upload this photo anyway.

If anyone is interested, here is the Corregidor website on the Malinta Tunnel --

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