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Matthias Moritz

Community Manager, Hambergen

Winter Island

Gosch is a famous and well known place to buy and eat fish. Founded on the island Sylt as "Germany´s northernmost fish stand" in the vicinity of List harbour it has now some land-based branches, e.g. in Bremen and Hamburg.

This was our day trip yesterday. When we returned, the weater forecast was justified: it started to rain ...

Vielleicht hat das Foto im Zuge der klimatischen Veränderungen schon heute historischen Charakter :-)

May be, due to the global warming this photo makes history some day :-)

I wish you all, friends of fotocommunity, a merry christmas!

Same time last year:

[ syltysches understatement ]
[ syltysches understatement ]
Matthias Moritz

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