judith whelan

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A propos de moi

hi, i have always had an interest in photography but it was always limited by the time i could take out to improve my photography, hopefully now i have more time and a better camera, i have a FUJI S602Zoom which i really like and is as technical as can manage at the moment, i have in the past used my CANON A1 which i have owned for 25 years and still takes great photos but has now been surpassed by the digital ,which has made photography amazingly fast and easy.
If i take a good photo it is down to luck rather than anything i have given any great thought to.
so i hope you enjoy some of my pictures i hope to take a wide variety of subjects, just whatever takes my eye, i am also learning alot just by looking at some of the stunning photos on the site, there are some great photographers on here, so if i get a nice comment i am thrilled.
The photo is myself and my good friend Lazario when on holiday on zante.

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