A propos de moi
Photography has been a long-lasting passion : from my early years in B&W, learning light exposure and focus with almost entirely manual cameras, then waiting for the image to reveal in the darkroom, to these exciting digital times where close to anything is becoming achievable.
Nature and architecture photography are definitely my fields of election, although I am also enjoying portrait and glamour photography.
I happily shoot Nikon, after having used Canon gear during many years...
Nature and architecture photography are definitely my fields of election, although I am also enjoying portrait and glamour photography.
I happily shoot Nikon, after having used Canon gear during many years...
mijo.demouron 13/10/2024 12:20
Bonjour Prisma,Merci beaucoup pour ta visite et tes commentaires chaleureux. Je suis ravie de te revoir, à bientôt.
Laurent B. 17/06/2024 10:57
Merci beaucoup pour l'appréciation de "Sous le vent"Amitiés Laurent
mijo.demouron 14/04/2024 7:23
Bonjour Prisma, merci pour ton passage sur ma galerie et pour tes commentaires très appréciés. je n'ai pas pu commenter ta dernière photo, elle m'est interdite. :o))) J'attend les prochaines. :o)Bonne journée,
patrick hyrailles 17/03/2024 13:37
merci pour ton passage sur mes photosbonne journée
Susacu 10/03/2024 18:20
Thanks very much for your comments!!I like your gallery…and I will follow you
Greetings susacu
Luemark 07/02/2024 10:12
Vielen Dank für Dein Lob zu meinem Foto „Madrid“VG Mark
mfreisen 10/12/2023 16:30
Thank you that you follow me. You have a beautiful gallery. Congratulation.Dieter Kolm 17/03/2021 10:18
Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch auf meiner Seite und die Spuren, die du hinterlassen hast. LG DieterRobert Schüller 29/12/2020 13:48
Your Prague photo is captivating in every way. Big compliment.All the best for the new year 2021. Stay healthy or get healthy. The time after the coronavirus comes.
hans-jakob 01/12/2020 13:49
Vielen Dank für deine nette Anmerkung!LG hans-jakob
Schneider Hannelore 21/11/2020 15:04
Wie ich schon sagte, wundervolle Fotos zeigst Du hier. Deshalb folge ich Dir auch mal unauffällig :-).LG Hannelore
Schneider Hannelore 18/11/2020 9:55
Thank you for your nice comment and the favorites for my picture Burg Eltz. You show wonderful photos here.Kind regards Hannelore
ILOVEWHISKY 15/11/2020 16:04
Thank you for your praise.Best regards
mapila 10/10/2020 21:29
Hallo und herzlichen Dank für Dein Lob! Grüße Markusotium imago 26/09/2020 11:09
Thanks for your praise.