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A woman reading - Lesende Frau

A woman reading - Lesende Frau

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A woman reading - Lesende Frau

A painted interpretation of one of my fc-favourites. For me it shows the joy of reading, and how new experience changes the colours of your world.

Inez Correia Marques
and Robert Riley
joined forces for this beautiful collage:

I thank both of you for some of the most beautiful pictures I saw in fc.

Colours and light are my challenge, as they are your friends, and here they are all yours, I am just the epigone with the brush. I am not a painter, and will never be, but I love painting, likewise I'll never be a photographer, but I love taking photos. That is the bliss of the amateur: I can do what I love, and no one can blame me that someone else could have done it better.
This was never meant for public, just for the private pleasure of painting, but as Inez encouraged me to upload it, I finally did.
I hope you enjoy this little hommage to your beautiful work.

Painting: Small canvas, acrylics base, finished in oil.
Photo: daylight, easel, tripod, Canon 350d

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