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Peter van Stigt

Free Account, Almere

Black Buck Vulcan

Eine mehr einfaches Bild. Aber hat ich begonnen als Experiment. Das erzahl ich jetzt in Englische (Photoshop language) weil ich mich besser drin eindrucken kann:

Background painted in soft edge brushes, variation in master diameter, opacity and flow. Until a dark cloud effect is reached. Old photo of Vulcan bomber heavily retouched and masked. Vulcan dragged into cloud image. Start new canvas, fill it up with black paint bucket, create new transparent layer. Spread around small soft dots of white in varous diameter and opacity. Drag the dots layer into the Cloud image on top of the airplane. Look for the flight direction and give the dots layer a motion blur of about 500 in the same direction. Drag the dots layer on top of that into the image and repeat the process with slight alterations, toy around with brightness/contrast. Give it a little Pinch (under Distort). Give aircraft a little more blur. Flatten Image...et voila!

Ich hoffe Sie verstehen das Alles. Gruss

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