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Chasing Mermaids

Only a few people saw those fairy creatures. Human race is not allowed to enter their realm.

East coast - Somewhere between Blenheim and Christchurch
South Island of New Zealand

Nikon D80
Sigma 10-20

Commentaire 1

  • Arin 28/09/2010 10:51

    So, and you have seen them? What race do you belong to? By the way, what is the male version of a mermaid?
    Hm, the pic is cool, I wonder how you got the black and white sky... Even though the photo has quite some dynamic, I think you could have get a bit more tension in it with another angle or ... I mean the photo is very nice, yes even great, but it is to clear for my taste, there is not much that keeps me looking. Maybe it is a photo for male minds....haha.