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Commentaire 1

  • s. sabine krause 29/01/2012 11:08

    fishing the old-fashioned way, with a rod, a hook and a worm as bait: that way the fish are given a realistic chance: spot the bait, recognize it as such, and decide whether to take it – enjoying the risk, thrill and danger of the bite, knowing their live is at stakes but hoping to make a narrow escape –, or leave it and get on with their safe but uneventful underwater life: it's up to them! ; )) but don't count on the benevolence of the girls, fish! if you could just see them: eyes to kill! ; )))) greetings, sabine.


Dossier World as it is
Vu de 2 175


APN Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Objectif ---
Ouverture 8
Temps de pose 1/400
Focale 135.0 mm
ISO 200

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