Arno M

Premium (World), München

Den neuen Nazis

ist die Darstellung des Holocaustmahnmals und alles, was an diese Zeit erinnert, ein Dorn im Auge...

[for the new nazis is the exposition of the holocaust memorial and all which reminds to this time a thorn in their eye]

berlin, mai 2007

Commentaire 91

  • Gunther Ortlepp 22/01/2009 19:40

    Wer die Vergangenheit nicht kennt wiederholt die Fehler in der Zukunft - sehr schöne Aufnahme
    LG Gunther
  • KukiW 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • Stefan S. Mosley 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • Jutta.M. 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • Simona B. 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • bakmak 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

    sehr pro!!!
  • Günter Nau 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • Galeria 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • Mimoto 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • rofa 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

    If you never have been at this memorial, you can't recognize it on this pic. And - what will you say with showing us the little girl?
  • KasiaDesign 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

    I have seen many much better and more moving shots of this memorial. The head (?) is distracting rather than saying anything. I'm sorry but I also find the composition confusing - regardless of any political discussion. contra
  • Andrej Nagode 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • mlle Sol 07/09/2008 15:19 Commentaire de vote

  • Peter Kr. 07/09/2008 15:18 Commentaire de vote

  • 3ème oeil 07/09/2008 15:18 Commentaire de vote
