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Improvisation can save your life

Improvisation can save your life

5 008 0


Premium (World), Bangkok

Improvisation can save your life

Just after a walk of two kilometers the soles of my Raichle trekking boots broke away from the shoes. A "professional" shoemake in Bangkok fixed my boots with Vibram soles in a very amateurish way.
My photo, captured by my travel friend, shows how the Sherpa friends were finding a way binding the soles at the bottom of the shoes with a cord that was holding the soles all the track of 54 kilometers - and my good mood for this trekking came for new.

My picture is taken in May 2004 with a NIKON CoolPix 5000.

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Dossier Kailash Kora
Vu de 5 008


APN E5000
Objectif ---
Ouverture 7.1
Temps de pose 1/416
Focale 7.1 mm
ISO 100

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