
.... Are we One or Two .. Two in One .. all One ..
Is it all just an illusion ...what is real reality ... What do you see ...?
How easily - with just a photo - without any explanations -one can be manipulated - tricked ...
And most of the times people like reality as long as it is convenient isn't it?
When it comes to the real truth things often look very differently ...
And I see what you don't see ..
; - )
And everybody has his own reality.
And when you realise that sb. lives in his own - parallel reality - world - I learned already as a child - better save your energy and time trying to convince sb. ... who even believes their own lies..!
Very unhealthy situations - toxic persons with diseases..
But may be it is f.e. 'just' a personality who always needs/wants to be right.
Because there are 4 different types of personalities ... Most of the times a mixture of - see - may be - where you find yourself .. if you like ..and each one needs a different kind of treatment ..to feel well - accepted ..etc. ..
- Sales Management - teaches us - when you know that - it already makes many things much easier - I learned -already more than 40 years ago.
1. There is the one that always wants to win -
2. The one that wants to stay in his comfort zone -
3. The one that wants to be loved -
4. The one that always needs/wants to be right -
And no matter what this person says - who always wants to be right - you do good to first just say - yes - I think you are right ..when I see it from your angle - especially in sales/conflict situations - if sb. is unsatisfied -
I just experienced that again just some days ago in a sales situation... that was getting really ugly .. and I was the client..and I was really right - confirmed at the end from the boss of this sales person I fortunately know - but she didn't know that.
I just thought this picture is a very good example to show some different perspectives - points of view - one can surely have - and to think about ..
and may be interesting for some .. too ..
And before you judge too quickly ..
There is an old shamanic saying ..
"Before you judge a person/situation - make sure - you have walked minimum one mile in their shoes."
And another one
Before you judge another person - make sure that you are perfect.
And the bible already says :
Why do you see the splitter in the eye of your brother/sister - and your bar in your eye you don't see..
And - how can we meet your needs? What do you need to feel well in a situation - seen - loved and respected?.

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