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Portovesme Aluminium City

Portovesme Aluminium City

1 117 2

Marcello Modica

Free Account, Milano

Portovesme Aluminium City

The huge aluminium complex in Portovesme, is divided into 3 sub-plants, which start from raw bauxite, to arrive to the rolling mill. The society are a joint venture of Portovesme srl (italian) and Alcoa (american).

Commentaire 2

  • Christian Brünig 01/05/2006 13:16

    Yes i like it, too. the abandoned building in the middle is illuminated by the light sources near by, so it's darkness doesn't matter. the color temeparture is difficult. in my opinion the plant becomes a little bit too red. the sky seems a little bit noisy. you can compensate is with the following photoshop steps:
    1. select the sky
    2. make the selection ca. 30 Pixels smaller
    3. blur the ede of the selection with 30
    4. choose "lab" mode
    5. select in the channel menu the "luminance channel"
    6. make a gaussian blur of about 5 Pixels (try the parameter)
  • Jens Wessel 01/05/2006 5:35

    Very good.
    I like the lights and the view.....

    Regards Jens