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Summer's Come at Last!

Summer's Come at Last!

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Helena Rogers

Free Account, Plymouth

Summer's Come at Last!

Georgia finds an alternative use for her trampoline....

Commentaire 2

  • Steve Ashforth 16/06/2010 20:30

    Hey! It's ok for some eh? Lazy, hazy, sunny, summer days. Bliss!

    When I first looked at the picture I thought "that's not very nice, poor Georgia has fallen through the trampoline and instead of helping, Gran has taken a picture of the event"! Poor girl!

    Please accept my humble apologies Helena, for thinking such a thing!
  • Sally Dunn 16/06/2010 17:45

    Ooh yes, it is lovely and shady under there! It is even better when someone is bouncing on the trampoline when you are lying underneath it, it feels like they are going to jump on you!!!!