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Young monks at Angkor Wat

Young monks at Angkor Wat

2 533 3

Wolfgang Ende

Premium (Basic), Franken

Young monks at Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

Yes, it's a tourist spot and again yes, it's a VERY touristy place.
Expect all stereotypes, which come to your mind.

But it's also a place of contemplation and faith, diverse and sometimes enchanting.

You can spend 3 days and you have not seen all. Crowded sites and peaceful places.

Just go and form your own opinion

Commentaire 3


Dossier Südostasien
Vu de 2 533


APN Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Objectif Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS
Ouverture 5.6
Temps de pose 1/320
Focale 390.0 mm
ISO 640