
Free Account, Sippy Downs, Maroochydore, Mooloolaba, Q

A propos de moi

Welcome to my profile!

I take part in this community to present my photos. I am interested in shootings with interesting style.

Furthermore I am searching for photographers in Australia. I am at the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Maroochydore next to Mooloolaba, Australia till December 2008.

I would be very to find a great photographer who would like to shoot with me there!

Please have a look at my websites as well:


Thank you for your visit!


Commentaire 4

  • Dirk Hofmann 24/03/2008 10:37

    Welcome to fotocommunity.com!

    Good to see you found this place, where professionals, amateurs and rookies meet to share their views of photography, show and discuss each others work.
    I hope you'll find the things you were looking for when you joined and have the same fun I have since I became a member.
    Don't hesitate to ask me or any other member of the team if you have any questions!

    When I thought about making it easier for new members to join our community, I had the idea to write a short tutorial which might help. You can find it here:

    You might also want to gather some information in our online-help. There you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

    fotocommunity - share your passion!

    Best regards
  • haisegler 24/03/2008 9:46

    Hallo Fabienne,
    möchte dich auch ganz herzlich
    in der FC willkommen heissen.
    Würde mich freuen,wenn du auch mal
    bei mir vorbeischaust.
  • Ecci 21/03/2008 16:50

    wünsche dir ein schönes Osterfest
    Hallo, ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc, der Plattform die süchtig macht!
    Wünsche Dir immer gutes Licht und viele tolle Motive und viel Spass hier! Ich behalte Dich im Auge LG [aus Rostock Warnemünde
    Hart am Wind Hanse Sail
    Hart am Wind Hanse Sail

  • Fabienne78 21/03/2008 13:33

    Please have a look at my homepage:


    thank you very much.

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