A propos de moi

Welcome to my profile.

Beside the hobby photography I also like the idea of having contacts all over the world. It is a fascinating way of getting in touch to people, other you know around you.

My camera is Lumix FZ 200 Panasonic.
new since April, 2017 Sony alpha 77 II

"Phantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen, denn Wissen ist begrenzt."
Albert Einstein

"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it."
(Salvador Dali)

I appreciate all kinds of criticism and comments on my photos. Most of users here are experienced fotographers and I can most certainly learn from them.


alle in diesem Profil gezeigten Bilder sind mein Eigentum und dürfen ohne meine ausdrückliche Genehmigung, nicht verwendet werden !!!

all pictures shown in this profile belong to me and may not be used without permission !!!

toutes les images montrées dans ce profil sont ma propriété et ne peuvent pas être utilisées sans mon approbation expresse !!!


Commentaire 32

  • Maud Morell 03/03/2017 14:13

    Ich habe mir eben deine Fotos angesehen. Du verstehst es einen schönen Moment zu fotografieren.
    LG von Maud
  • Miguel S Ramos 21/07/2011 16:53

    I'd love to be buddies here, I'm Miguel from Portugal
    I also like Sony cameras as I owned 2 (previously) Minoltas
  • Vera M. Shulga 28/05/2011 18:47

    Vielen Dank,ksteffi.
    saxifraga x arendsii
    saxifraga x arendsii
    Vera M. Shulga
    LG Vera
  • Christy-Ann 24/04/2011 2:16

    Ich wünsche euch allen frohe Ostern.
    Happy Easter! ¡Felices Pascuas! Joyeuses Pâques! Buona Pasqua! Bones Pasqües! Vrolijk Pasen! Feliz Páscoa!
    LG/ best wishes, Christy-Ann
    Frohe Ostern - Happy Easter!
    Frohe Ostern - Happy Easter!
  • Digitalimage 21/04/2011 0:37

    Hi Steffi
    Thank you for your comments on the green water. Yes it is sometimes green like that and looks almost unreal. The red suit on the diver makes it look even greener.
    Best wishes for Easter hope you take lots of pictures.
    Green Water
    Green Water
  • Giuseppe.. 29/03/2011 20:01

    Hi Steffi

    vielen dank für deine nette anmerkung.
    Freut mich, dass das foto gefallen bei dir findet.

    gruß vom Bodensee

  • Digitalimage 23/03/2011 1:26

    Hi Steffi
    Thank you for your comment. I am not sure that people believe that it is a rainbow and it was as colourful as it looks. Just one of those moments in the right place.
  • Digitalimage 04/03/2011 23:33

    Hi Steffi
    Thank you for your comments again and trust you are getting out there with the camera
    Sunset Pt Lincoln
    Sunset Pt Lincoln
  • JeanPierre 04/03/2011 12:37

    Merci beaucoup, Steffi !
    Amitiés, JP
    La montée aux arènes
    La montée aux arènes
  • Digitalimage 26/02/2011 22:52

    Hi Steffi
    Thank you for your comments, the photo is actually two photos put together. The model was on the beach and the dog just happened to wander into the photo shoot. The sky has been added from another photo since the original sky was very plain.
    Glad you liked it
    Walking the dog
    Walking the dog
  • Digitalimage 07/02/2011 23:24

    Hi Steffi
    Just an old post but with the right light it makes it a lot more interesting.
    Old post
    Old post
  • Digitalimage 27/01/2011 21:01

    Thank you Steffi yes we do have some "different" landscapes down here.
    Stockyards at sunset
    Stockyards at sunset
  • JeanPierre 26/01/2011 16:07

    Merci beaucoup pour ton avis !
    Amitiés, JP
    L'aqueduc de Roquefavour
    L'aqueduc de Roquefavour
  • xwang 25/01/2011 0:07

    Thank you very much for your kind comments on my photos.
    Best wishes to you on your next journey anywhere in the world:-)
  • Roger Andres 23/01/2011 19:16

    Ja war ein Hit mit dem Heli über die Fälle zu fliegen
    Danke und Gruss Roger
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