Melizsa Eklund

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Commentaire 12

  • Anna Attlid 22/01/2007 16:29

    Jag är 13 år. Hurså?
  • Anna Attlid 26/12/2006 12:23

    Till den bilden du kommenterade ("Endless Silence") har jag använt en systemkamera, min systers Canon EOS 300D med 6 megapixlar tror jag det var.
    Annars har jag använt mig en del av en Canon S3 IS, även den med 6 megapixlar. Men nu om någon, kanske två veckor, ska jag köpa min första egna systemkamera, Nikon D50.

    Anna Attlid
  • Anna Attlid 27/11/2006 15:35

    Nej, Windy är inte dräktig igen men lilla Wilda (som springer bredvid) är bara ca en månad där och Windy hade inte fått sin urpsrungliga form tillbaka ännu. ;)

    Anna Attlid
  • Anna Attlid 08/11/2006 14:56

    Ang. bilden - jag har endast gjort bilden svartvit. Inte mer.

    Anna Attlid
  • Rob Brydon 28/10/2006 13:18

    Rob Brydon
    Thankyou for your kind comment on Leo. He is still only 10 months old and into everything. I see by your images, you like animals. Good on you. Try taken some of them at strange angles...Take care and seeya..Rob
  • Vesela Maleeva 13/10/2006 22:20

    Hi Melizsa, and thank you for your visit. I have enjoyed looking at your pics and I like your topic, nature.

  • Amanda Kraft 06/08/2006 2:07

    Thank´s for your comment (:

  • Charlie Magee 05/08/2006 6:38

    Thank you for your comment on my picture Evening Light. Regards, Charlie
  • Anna Attlid 04/08/2006 15:12

    I appreciate your comment on my photo "Closing time". Thank you!

    Closing time
    Closing time
    Anna Attlid

    Anna Attlid
  • Lady Bathory 04/08/2006 12:37

    ...ein herzliches Willkommen von mir,allseits viel Spaß hier in der Fc und immer einen guten Blick für deine bilder!
  • Ülkem ACIKALINLI 03/08/2006 7:49

    Thanks :))
    c u
  • Der Zacki 01/08/2006 17:41

    Hi Melizsa,

    Welcome the the

    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:

    cheers Peter
    Channelmanager Nature
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