
Free Account, Vilnius

A propos de moi

My real name is Eve but for you I'm Parazite*IMAGINARY.
I'm twenty years old and I honestly hate that.I live in the capital of a small country Lithuania.You probably hear this name for the first time.If so, then google it instead of asking me where the fuck it is.And yes,I will move as soon as I finish my studies at university.I'm constantly changing person,so you can expect everything from me.That's why I find it difficult to describe myself. Some people say I'm arrogant, over self-esteemed, bitchy and moremore bad things. Well, if you think the same, I'm more than sure that you don't know me I reply to every comment and message. I chat with everybody, no matter how old you are or what color shoes you are wearing. But if I replied to your comment, it doesn't mean we are buddies now I do drink and currently I'm trying to quit smoking. So don't even mention a word 'cigarette' to me MY INTERESTTS : music,photography,modeling,piercing,clothing,writing,make-up,alcohol,sex and beauty. I HATE : liars,fashion victims,stupic people,poor litle kids,acting sooo scene.If you are from my HATE section - don't waste my time.I don't want to know you DON'T label me with your stereotypes.I'm NOT emo,scene,brutal or whatever you think I am.Just myself is good enough.And please,don't be so stupid and stop stealing my pictures.You won't be me,deal with it.

Can you really love somebody you've known for only few days? After almost two years of our relationship, I can strongly say yes With our ups and downs we are still together. You are still my panda boi. Nobody makes my heart beats faster or my pants get wet better than you And I know that someday we will move out together and have a beautiful life, as we like dreaming about. Once again, I wuv you my perfection. :3

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