Commentaire 5

  • Juan Villalobos Cabrera 06/04/2013 22:22

    Hola. No es Nepal, es Myanmar (ex-Birmania). Concretamente estamos en el Lago Inle, en uno de los pequeños puebelecitos que lo circundan y donde me voy a retirar el día que me jubile. Es el paraiso hallado., aunque, la verdad, existen tantos y tantos paraisos por esos mundos desconocidos,....
    Un abrazo y gracias por la visita.
  • Michel Seitz 02/10/2011 10:42

    Hallo Ramon,
    the photo was made on the way from Lo Manzhang to Muktinath in Mustang.
    Greetings from Germany, Michel

    Annapurna, 8.091m
    Annapurna, 8.091m
    Michel Seitz
  • JOKIST 26/09/2011 21:19

    Muchas gracias, Ramon !
    Welcome in the FC !!!!!!!!
    think about.....
    think about.....

    LG Ingrid und Hans
  • Günter Walther 31/08/2011 6:09

    Welcome in our club. I wish you many success with your pictures and nice contacts with other members of the fc.
    Many greetings from Germany
    Günter Walther
  • Adele D. Oliver 31/08/2011 5:51

    Hello and welcome! Great to see that you joined our big family. I am sure you will enjoy posting your photos and seeing the pictures of other members. I wish you lots of new friends and much fun and always "good light"!!
    greetings from Canada,
    Adele - Nature Channel Manager

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