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Hilo Orchid Show--Another Extra

Hilo Orchid Show--Another Extra

1 230 17

Tom McAlexander

Free Account, Volcano, HI

Hilo Orchid Show--Another Extra

A water lily this time. Part of one of the displays at the show.

Haven't had much time to devote to FC lately. Entertaining mainland guests, helping with a birthday party, and getting ready for a hurricane (that may or may not cause any damage here...probably not) have taken up all my time. Hope to get back with it in the next day or so.

Aloha Everyone!

Hilo Orchid Show Extra
Hilo Orchid Show Extra
Tom McAlexander

Hilo Orchid Show 5
Hilo Orchid Show 5
Tom McAlexander
PS. The hurricane missed us. All is well.

Commentaire 17