Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Once a Corner Grocery Store (14)

and still a grocey store
in the bustling neighbourhood of the West End

Years ago Vancouver used to have many, many grocery stores situated on street corners in all neighbourhoods - the big chain groceries and malls have pushed most of them out, others remain or are turned into different stores, cafes, galleries and living quarters .... and the nostalgia remains :-))

Once a Corner Grocery Store (3)
Once a Corner Grocery Store (3)
Adele D. Oliver

Commentaire 19


Dossier Vancouver Living
Vu de 2 982


APN Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Objectif Unknown 6-72mm
Ouverture 4
Temps de pose 1/320
Focale 6.0 mm
ISO 80

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