Joanna Kustra - photos & images - photographe de Kraków/London, Pologne | fotocommunity Profil de Joanna Kustra - Photographe Joanna Kustra de Kraków/London, Pologne [fc-user:824929] - I'm a self thaught photographer from Poland, living in
I'm a self thaught photographer from Poland, living in Krakow & London. Thanks for viewing and commenting on my works :) more on website ---->
Dr. Labude 30/05/2012 10:36
Absolutely stunning portraits here. Some of them might be the best on the community.Gregor Luschnat GL-ART-PHOTOGRAPHY 31/12/2010 17:56
Ich wünsche Dir und deinen liebsten einen guten Rutsch und ein gutes & gesundes neues Jahr 2011. Und natürlich immer gutes Licht ;-)LG
Happy New Year
Gregor Luschnat GL-ART-PHOTOGRAPHYJavier León 27/12/2010 23:21
I love your work. It's excellent. Thanks to share it.Victor Malakhov 28/06/2010 23:55
great gallery!bw
cosmosgirl 28/06/2010 16:51
Brilliant portfoil!Compliments, Claudia
Bartosz K. Mazurek 20/11/2009 6:02
Cudownej urody sa Twoje zdjecia. Jestem pod wrazeniem galeriijosh771 07/11/2009 15:56
i really like your pictures! great work!bauke 09/09/2009 23:15
Love your work.Very passionate pictures.
Lena Louisan 28/08/2009 12:16
Joanna, you have so amazing & fantastic photographs and models... I can't get enough of them! Best greetings!Lena.
susan smith 04/07/2009 17:09
wow, your pictures are unbelievably!!! wonderfull:)...i am your fan;)Carolina K. 04/06/2009 20:39
I think all your photos look fantastic.Carolina.
mysza 12/05/2009 17:25
Prima pictures...Congratulation.. Pozdrawiam...Botond David 12/04/2009 11:31
Hmmm...really wonderfull galery! CongratulationRobert L. Roux 28/03/2009 22:50
welcome to my very favourites, joanna ...
a north country smile
Mark London 06/03/2009 12:07
Some very nice pictures. You certainly manage to get the best out of your models which is a skill in itself! Cool